of Jackson Heights
children's ministry
At BBCJH, we love kids. While we want each child to enjoy church, we take seriously the opportunity God has given us to impact their lives for eternity:
We want our children to get saved even at an early age. It is a privilege for us to share with them that the only savior Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and as God-incarnate, He died for our sins, rose from the dead and will return for them.
We believe it is important for children to love God and live lives that are pleasing to God.
We desire for the children to love Jesus, the Savior.
We also want them to love the Bible. Children learn that the King James Bible is the Living Word of God, the absolute truth and the standard by which they should live. They also discover that God's Word is fun to read and describes how much God loves them.
Every Sunday our kids have Junior church (simultaneous with our adult worship service) where they are trained to listen to preaching (not just story telling) without any visual aids, complete with invitation time (altar call). They are also trained to cheerfully give their tithes and offerings at Junior church. They have their own special numbers and ushers. Our faithful men take turns preaching at Junior church. Our Pastor also gets a turn at Junior church.
Our kids also attend regular Sunday school classes according to their age levels. Our faithful ladies teach our kids lessons from the Bible and even give them homework assignments. They also memorize scripture every Sunday.
Our children are also very much involved in soul-winning, and door knocking. We are training our kids to love the Gospel and the spreading of it. They absolutely love our Saturday soul-winning activity.
Entertaining kids comes easy when they love church! This is a great church to raise kids for the Lord!