of Jackson Heights

Thank you for visiting our website! We invite you to scroll through the pages and click each link. This should be able to help you with many of the questions you may have as to who we are, what we believe and teach, and what we do. It is also helpful to know our story and be encouraged that God is still working in many different and miraculous ways in the lives of people. You can also visit our Facebook page for real time updates and announcements! If you need additional information just send an email and we'll get right back to you. Or call us!Everyone and anyone is invited and will warmly be welcomed to join us every time our church doors are open!
37-15 89th St. Jackson Heights, New York 11372
pastor@bbcjh.com Tel: 347-525-2101
Schedule of Services
Sunday School (all ages) - 10AM
Sunday Morning Service - 11AM
Spanish Service - 1PM
Sunday Evening Service - 5:30PM
Midweek Service - Wednesdays @ 7PM
Churchwide Soulwinning - Saturdays @ 10AM